
Hotmail Services Back Online And Working

Microsoft moved quickly today on bringing the Hotmail services back online.  For a couple of hours today, Hotmail services were unavailable due to server problems at Microsoft. But Microsoft moved quickly on the problems and restored the services.

Mobile Technology

Hotmail Service Unavailable – Hotmail Goes Down

Hotmail / Spaces Service Unavailable Apparently Microsoft is having major issues with their servers over the past 24 hours.  And if it’s not the same servers, then Microsoft is just having a run of bad publicity.  Yesterday it was reported that XBOX live went offline due to their servers crashing.  And now today, thousands of […]

Mobile Technology

XBOX Live Servers Down – Modern Warfare 2 Goes Offline

XBOX Live Servers Are Down Perhaps Microsoft was too distracted by their announcement of Windows Mobile 7 that they forgot about their XBOX Live servers.   The main game that people are complaining about not being able to play is Modern Warfare 2. However, with the XBOX live servers down, any “community capable” game will […]

Mobile Technology

Windows Mobile 7 Brings XBOX To Mobile Phones {VIDEO}

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer just announced Windows Phone 7 Series, the latest version of its mobile operating system.  Microsoft is presenting the new mobile phone operating system live at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Among the features that Microsoft is promoting on the OS is “for the first time ever, Microsoft will bring together […]

Facebook Mobile Technology

MWC Breaking News – Windows Mobile 7 Pics Leaked

In about an hour, at 9am EST, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to announce the new Windows Mobile 7 platform at the Mobile World Congress (MMC) in Barcelona, Spain.  However, hours before the scheduled announcement, some photos of the new Windows 7 mobile platform were leaked by Learnbemobile, a German mobile blog, got a […]


Microsoft Office 2010 Coming June 10 {VIDEO}

For those of you who still rely heavily on Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc…) you might be interested to learn that a new version of the software is coming.  And the new 2010 version of the Office suite will be heavily based on web integrations and applications! According to, Paul Thurrott, from WinInfo […]


Chrome OS To Have It’s Own Media Player – Watch Out Windows!

One thing’s for sure – and that is Google is soon going to release the Chrome OS (operating system).  The Chrome OS will not only rival Microsoft’s flagship Windows operating system, but Chrome OS will be designed to get you straight to the web – and get there fast! The other feature coming with Chrome […]