Health People US & World

How long does coronavirus last? Scientist Discovery

As more cases of the new coronavirus are diagnosed throughout the US, many people are wondering how they can prepare, what it is like to have it and how long does coronavirus last. Symptoms The virus can be especially risky for the elderly and immunocompromised. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to prevent the […]

Health News People US & World

How did the coronavirus start? Explanation of what happened

We all wonder how did the coronavirus start, and here’s the main story we all should know. It all started in Wuhan, Eastern China city with over 11 million people. When the WHO’s China office first heard reports on the now-known, coronavirus. Therefore, the discovery of the virus and the initial epidemic is mainly in […]

Health Opinion People US & World

How long after exposure to get coronavirus?

As we all know the pandemic of coronavirus is spreading fast worldwide. Therefore, the best thing to do is to follow the measures WHO prescribed. So, there is one important question everyone should ask – How long after exposure to get coronavirus? However, there is a big chance that any of us can get infected […]

Health Opinion People US & World

Is headache a coronavirus symptom?

When it comes to the coronavirus symptoms, many are uncertain which they are, and people are asking is headache a coronavirus symptom? What’s more, COVID-19 symptoms are similar to those of the flu and that is why it is hard to differentiate them. How often is headache a coronavirus symptom? Namely, around 14% of those […]

People Business Health US & World

Is there going to be a second stimulus? – What can we expect?

A second wave of coronavirus relief checks is on the table for 2020. If the measure passes, it will put extra IRS stimulus money in your pocket. Is there going to be a second stimulus? There is probably going to be a second stimulus of 1,200$ given to residents to help stabilize the US economy. […]

Business Health Opinion People US & World

How many people have lost their jobs due to coronavirus?

Still it is unknown how many people have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus. The number of people forced out of work during the coronavirus lockdown continues to soar to historic highs. How many people have lost their jobs due to coronavirus The Labor Department said that another 4.4 million people claimed unemployment benefits […]

Health News Opinion People US & World

How long will coronavirus last? What can we expect?

A new report from researchers at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy lays out three scenarios of how long will the coronavirus last. How long will coronavirus last? Experts suggested the COVID-19 outbreak will last between 18 and 24 months. The pandemic likely will not be halted until 60% to 70% of the […]