Business Entertainment News People US & World WTF

Dunkin’ Donuts Customer Rant Over Receipt {Viral Video}

Taylor Chapman, a 27-year-old woman who hails from Florida, apparently has a pet peeve with regards to a minor mistake in customer service. She claimed that a receipt was not given to her when she purchased from a Dunkin’ Donuts store and decided to capture a video as proof that she would be compensated with […]

News US & World WTF

Two-Faced Kitten Miracle Birth

This story is unlike any you have ever heard; a true little medical miracle. Kitten Duecy, known as the two-faced kitten was born Tuesday June at 6:11 am. She is a Janus cat, born with Diprosopus, which is a genetic condition in which an animal has two faces. Janus cats are named after the Roman […]

Entertainment People WTF

Woman in Chicago gets arrested 396 times

Shermain Miles gets arrested once again. The count goes up to 396 times now. This woman was first arrested in 1978, when she was 16 years old. Since then, she’s been caught at least 92 times for theft, 59 for prostitution, 65 for disorderly conduct related crimes, and 5 for robbery. Tracking her specific record […]

Entertainment WTF

80085 ZIP Code – What City with 80085 zip code?

Everyone searches for the 80085 zip code area, but there is no city that matches. Check this image below, I bet you won’t find 80085 zip codes. We also search the zip code 80085 at USPS website, and the search result shown: We’re sorry! We were unable to process your request. It’s mean, there is […]