Facebook Search Engine Optimization Technology

2 Keys To A Successful Facebook Fan Page

business growth bar chartFacebook Fan Page Success

Facebook is now approaching nearly 350 million users world wide!

And the implementation of Facebook Fan Pages from businesses and brands is growing at a breath taking rate.

Although it only takes a couple of minutes to actually launch a Facebook Fan Page, let me assure you that if you want your Facebook Fan Page to grow and be productive for your brand, there are some key strategies that should be followed.

After all, if your Facebook Fan Page is not growing in “fans”, and you are not actively connecting with these fans, then what’s the point in even having a Fan Page?

Here Are 2 Key Strategies For Success

Facebook Fan Pages – 2 key strategies for success

Here are 2 key Facebook Fan Page strategies that are designed to dramatically increase your “fans”, and help you build a strong audience of high quality prospects!

1)  Creating A Custom URL / Username

Click here to learn how to customize your Facebook Fan Page URL / Username

When Facebook Fan Pages first came out about a year or so ago, you were required to have a minimum of 1000 fans to customize your URL.  Now however, that requirement has been dropped to only 25!

So if you have at least 25 fans on your Facebook Fan Page, then there is no reason why you should not customize the URL / Username.

Custom URL / Username

What is a custom URL / Username for your Facebook Fan Page?

Most URL’s for Facebook Fan Pages look like this:

Basically, the URL to your Facebook Fan Page can be long and full of a wide range of numbers and letters.

However, customizing your Facebook Fan Page URL / Username will allow you to have something like this:

Ah… much nicer, cleaner, and substantially more powerful at branding your business.

When you create a custom URL / Username for your business, you are telling the world that you have a much higher quality Fan Page, your business has a much higher quality brand, and your business adheres to a higher quality standard.

Your custom URL / Username also makes it much easier to promote, market on printed materials, and also tell other people.  Because now you have a URL that you can actually tell someone and they might actually remember.

In fact, once you create your custom URL, I would highly recommend you put the new URL on your business cards, printed material, and on your email signature block.

2)  Create A Custom Landing Tab / Call To Action Element For Non-Fans

Here’s how to create a custom land tab

As it is now, all of your traffic probably goes directly to the “wall” of your Facebook Fan Page.

If your wall is anything like mine, then it’s full of content, perhaps discussions, links, and more – basically, it’s a very busy place.

When someone new comes to your Fan Page, and they are immediately taken to your “wall”, they are immediately inundated with your content.

Your #1 priority for new visitors coming to your Facebook Fan Page should be to get them to first become a fan, and then to proceed on to engaging in your content.

On the web, the likelyhood of people returning voluntarily back to website they are seeing for the first time is very small.

So let’s discuss a way to help you present new visitors immediately with an opportunity to become your “Fan” – before they see anything else, or do anything!

Call To Action Element For New Visitors (non-fans)

In your Facebook Fan Page, there are settings that will allow you to dictate a certain targeted tab for all “non-fans” to land on when they visit your page.

As it is now, everyone probably goes to your wall.  However, sending your non-fans to a targeted tab, with a call to action element in place, will dramatically increase your visitor to fan ratio – thus allowing you to dramatically increase the fans to your Facebook Fan Page.

Let me give you 2 examples of clients I’ve recently set up with a custom call to action element and landing tab for their Facebook Fan Pages:

Client #1 – click here >>

As you can see, since you are probably not a “Fan” of this page, you noticed where you landed once the page loaded.  You did not go straight to their “wall” where all the content is – you went to “Join” tab where a custom call to action element was developed that encourages you to become a fan of their page.

Client #2 – click here >>

Again, since you probably aren’t a fan, you should have gone directly to their call their action landing tab.

Both of these clients have seen increased fan growth on their Facebook Fan Pages as a result of the call to action landing tab.

The Take A Way

A Facebook Fan Page is quickly becoming the most significant marketing tool available to any brand, business, product, or service.

And if your Facebook Fan Page follows the 2 simple strategies described above, then you will begin to see a dramatic increase in fans, interactions, and connections to new customers!

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