Android Mobile Technology

Droid Phones Nearly Twice As Fast As Blackberry

droid-by-motorolaDroid vs Blackberry

In today’s rising age of mobile phones, more and more people are finding themselves embracing their mobile device more than their PC’s and laptops.

And with this comes the same customer expectations and desires.

People want their mobile phones to be fast, efficient, and always online!

Comparing two of the major mobile phones on the market right now, I looked at the difference in speed between the Droid phone and the Blackberry.

To my surprise, there was really no comparison whatsoever.

The Droid by Motorola has the following speed specifications:

  • Memory – 512MB of RAM speed (read more)

The Blackberry Storm 2 has the following:

  • Memory – 256MB of RAM speed (read more)

As you can see, the Droid phone by Motorola is twice as fast as a new Blackberry Storm2.


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