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Jing Allows Multiple Screen Capturing With Free Version

jingIf you’re interested in creating screen capture videos for free then I’d highly recommend Jing – visit them at

I was trying to find a simple solution to create screen capture videos, and when I first saw Jing, it looked like with the free version, you could only capture one screen per video.  Not sure why I thought this, but I did.

So with the help of some people on Twitter, I finally got my answer.  Thanks to @awil0308, @goforyourdream, and @InternetGenius

Yes, you can in fact create free videos with Jing AND have the video capture multiple screens / web pages during your video.

The only downside to the free version of Jing is that the files are saved as SWF.  And you cannot load SWF to YouTube, so you have to use a converter (just Google “upload SWF to YouTube” to find converters.).

Here’s a video that was sent to me showing me that Jing does in fact allow you to produce free videos with multiple screens being captured:

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