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How the Internet and Social Media can Help Shape Your Business

In this day and age, it’s hard to imagine a business that can perform its operations efficiently without internet. LTE technology and high-speed broadband have transformed the way we do business and helped millions of companies grow and attract customers in the process. Internet and social media are now more important than ever for businesses. […]

Marketing Facebook Instagram Pinterest Social Media Twitter Yelp YouTube

Guide on How to Optimize Your Social Media Videos

Just like SEO, you need to optimize your social media posts if you want to rank well on the social media platform. Social media optimization enables your products to become more noticed by people that use the social media. Establishing a presence on social media is not just about setting up a profile on the […]

Facebook Instagram Marketing Pinterest Search Engine Optimization Social Media Technology Twitter Yelp

Legally Social: What’s New In Social Media For Lawyers In 2019?

You sleep, eat and breathe the law. But when you’re not defending clients, you’re busy trying to get more. The question is, are you going about it in the smartest way possible in 2019? Research shows that 96% of lawyers who participated in a study reported using social media. The most used LinkedIn and Facebook […]

Facebook Instagram Marketing Pinterest Search Engine Optimization Social Media Twitter Websites Yelp YouTube

Why Social Media Seo Needs to Be in Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Why the Social Media Search Engine is Important When devising a social media marketing campaign, many marketers forget about social media search engine results. Here’s why social SEO is important. You’ve been rocking your SEO campaign. Except, you’ve been neglecting your social media search engine connection in your campaign. Which means your campaign could be […]

Business Facebook Instagram Marketing Pinterest Search Engine Optimization Social Media Technology Twitter Websites Yelp YouTube

Top 10 SEO Tips for Franchise Companies

Franchise SEO is unlike any other form of SEO. You can’t just apply general SEO tips. Read these SEO tips for franchise companies to understand how it’s done. With the tight overhead that your franchise probably has, it might be hard to spend 35% of your marketing budget on digital like other small businesses. Franchise […]

Facebook Pinterest Search Engine Optimization Social Media Technology

Rich Pins Not Working? Here’s How to Validate Them

I noticed more and more of rich pins on the Pinterest website lately.  What is a rich pin?  Well, it basically provides more information about the website the pin content origination.  For example, it will show helpful information with the pin, like a Favicon (the icon shown in your browser tab for a website), the […]

Business Pinterest Social Media

The Pinterest Website Seems to be Down!

Is the Pinterest website down for you?  I just tried to go to it and the screen is blank, white.  I checked on and it confirmed the website was down.  Hopefully they fix this soon. Pinterest seems to always have constant issues with their servers.  It was worse when they first started getting big.  […]