iPhone Technology

White iPhone 4 Update – White iPhone 4 Not Expected Until August?

White iPhone 4 Update The white iPhone 4 might not be available until August, according to a customer who visited a Best Buy to pre order an iPhone 4. The white iPhone 4 has been causing quite a bit of controversy since yesterday when the pre order launched for the iPhone 4. Nobody knew that […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Pre Order, July 2nd New Ship Date for iPhone 4 Pre Orders

iPhone 4 Pre Order, July 2nd New Ship Date for iPhone 4 Pre Orders If you are still rushing to pre order your iPhone 4 so that you are guaranteed a hands on date of June 24th, you might want to put on the brakes and take a read. The Apple store website has updated […]

Business iPhone Technology

White iPhone 4 Less Popular Than Black iPhone 4

White iPhone 4 Less Popular Than Black iPhone 4 There are obviously a lot of variables that go into the decisions that companies like Apple makes regarding marketing, product release, and iPhone 4 pre orders. We can’t assume anything less when it comes to the controversy with the white iPhone 4. One of the big […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Sold Out Deliberately? AT&T iPhone 4 The BP Of Phone Carriers

iPhone 4 Sold Out Deliberately? AT&T iPhone 4 The BP Of Phone Carriers News about AT&T being sold out of the iPhone 4 pre order inventory is starting to spread like wild fire across the web. For those of you who fought through the chaos of getting to pre order your iPhone 4 today, then […]

iPhone Technology

AT&T iPhone 4 Pre Orders SOLD OUT (iPhone 4 Update)

AT&T iPhone 4 Pre Orders SOLD OUT (iPhone 4 Update) It is being announced that AT&T has officially sold out of their allotment of iPhone 4 pre order inventories. So you might have been thinking that the AT&T website was down due to traffic to the site – which very well may have been. But […]

iPhone Technology

White iPhone 4 Supply Issues – Where Is The White iPhone 4?

White iPhone 4 Supply Issues – Where Is The White iPhone 4? If you go back through all of blog articles written prior to the iPhone 4 announcement by Steve Jobs at the WWDC2010; and if you comb through the Steve Jobs’ keynote speech on the iPhone 4; and if you dig through all of […]

Business iPhone

NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Shares Up Slightly on iPhone 4 Pre Order Day

NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Shares Up Slightly on iPhone 4 Pre Order Day Apple shares (NASDAQ:AAPL) are up only slightly on the the day that Apple releases the new iPhone 4 for pre orders. If we were measuring the success of the pre order iPhone 4 launch by web traffic, then I’d say that Apple was […]