iPhone Technology

Free iPhone 4 Bumper Cases, Good Thru Sept 30th

Coming straight from Consumer Reports, the same people who DID NOT recommend people purchase the iPhone 4, is the same people who proved that the iPhone 4 antenna issue is resolved when using an Apple iPhone Bumper case. The Consumer Reports test of the iPhone 4 with the Bumper case concluded that with the Bumper […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone iOS 4.0.1 Update Now Available For Download In iTunes

Yesterday I wrote about how Apple just released the iOS 4.1 beta to developers in the iPhone Dev Center. Well, about 24 hours later and the iOS 4.0.1 (notice the extra 0) is now available in iTunes to update your iPhone. Here’s a breakdown of the some of the features that iOS 4.0.1 delivers: improved […]

iPhone Mobile Technology

New York Senator Charles Schumer iPhone 4 Letter To Steve Jobs

New York State Senator Charles Schumer has written a “I am not at all pleased with you, Apple” letter to Steve Jobs over the way Apple has responded thus far to the iPhone 4 antenna issue. Senator Charles Schumer ‘expresses concern’ over the whole iPhone 4 reception issue and is less than pleased with the way Apple […]

iPhone Technology

Steve Jobs Knew About iPhone 4 Antenna Problems Prior To Release

A potentially damaging report has been released by Business Week claiming that Apple, and specifically Steve Jobs himself, knew about the iPhone 4 antenna problems prior to the June 24th release date. The report is claiming that Apple senior engineer and antenna expert Ruben Caballero informed Steve Jobs about potential antenna reception problems, and that […]

iPhone Technology

Engadget To Live Blog From Apple iPhone 4 Press Conference

Engadget has been invited to the Apple iPhone 4 press conference on Friday and hopefully they will be live blogging from the event – actually, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t. The Apple iPhone 4 press conference is scheduled for 10AM PST on Friday, July 16th, or 1PM EST on Friday.

iPhone Technology

Apple Holding iPhone 4 Press Conference on Friday

UPDATE 7/14 @ 9:04PM – The Apple press conference will be held at 10AM PT, Friday the 16th – or 1PM EST on Friday – Engadget has been invited and will presumably be live blogging from the event. Gizmodo is reporting that Apple will be holding very special press conference where only a select handful […]


Consumer Reports Has A Fix For iPhone 4 Antenna (Video)

Maybe it’s because Consumer Reports recommend that consumers NOT purchase the iPhone 4 due to a faulty antenna and signal loss, or maybe its because Consumer Reports genuinely cares about us (the consumers). Whatever the case may be, Consumer Reports released a video today showing you how to fix the iPhone 4 signal loss issue […]