
For Art Or Commerce?

Which are you? Which arena do you fit in? Are you doing what you do because you love the “art” of it? Or are you doing what you do because of the “commerce” of it? One is doing things out of passion, desire, drive, ambition, and leads to action that produces happiness and contentment. The […]


Fushigi Gravity Ball Is ‘Not So Amazing’ After All

I’ve been captivated by the Fushigi Ball ever since I saw the first commercial several months ago. And then for Christmas, my wife and I couldn’t resist getting one for our son. When he first got the Fushigi, yes… it was amazing. It was like I was a kid again at Christmas – I couldn’t […]


WHY? Suicide Bombers Kill 39 People in Moscow’s Metro Subways

WHY???? Yes, I’m mad, frustrated, disturbed, confused, all at the same time – why do people so freely conduct such acts of violence on innocent people? I was just browsing the list of newspapers at Arts & Letters Daily when I found one particular publication stand out among the rest – it was The Moscow […]

Facebook Opinion

Facebook Cartoon A Hoax?

So, now there is an issue with the Facebook cartoons. I, personally, thought it was a great way to promote awareness. But, as with everything in this world, someone has to rain on the parade. The blogosphere is very talkative this morning about the cartoon trend, which started out of Greece. Many say that the […]


The First Stat I Check in Google Analytics

Let me first come clean here… there is a traffic analytic platform I use a hundred times more than Google Analytics and that’ is Get Clicky. Get Clicky is where I come back to multiple times a day to see how things are going, from a traffic standpoint, for my blog. But I do look […]

iPad Opinion

3 Signs That The Mobile Web Will Dominate The Future

In my opinion, and the opinion of top CEO’s like Google’s Eric Schmidt, the future of the web is mobile. The number of people accessing the web through mobile devices is exploding, and not just here in the United States. Countries like China, Japan, and India an seeing explosive growth in mobile web consumption. Here […]

iPad Opinion

If Twitter Added A “Like” Button

This is a follow up to my post yesterday called Twitter Really Needs a Like Button. A few people gave some great feedback on my article where I suggested that the Twitter stream is very noisy – lots of spam; lots of irrelevant gibberish; lots of noise. And I feel that an effective way to clean […]