Business Entertainment Opinion

Do You Know the #1 Rule to Success?

I’m sure most of you have at least heard about the #1 Rule for Success (or people talking about it), but the way SmarterComics describes it is dead on.  Look back to something you were successful at and you’ll see that you more than likely followed this same mold to accomplish that goal.  This entire […]

Business Entertainment Facebook Opinion Pinterest Social Media Technology Twitter

5 Reasons Why You Should Not “Buy Facebook Likes”

To me, buying Facebooks Likes today is equivalent to when website owners bought a thousand (or some kind of a “too good to be true” amount) article submissions, search engine submissions, and bogus text (footer? or sidebar?) links all for a ridiculously low price. Internet Marketing scams like these have been around forever and they […]

Entertainment News US & World

Couple Arrested for Subway Dancing in NYC

  Have you ever heard of someone getting arrested for dancing in public?  Well, according to to Caroline Stern and George Hess, they were returning from a swing dancing event when a street musician began banging on steel drums. They danced until cops appeared and said they couldn’t do that. Hess got out his camera, […]

Entertainment News Opinion Social Media US & World

Bullied Bus Monitor Donations Reach over $450k

Have you heard about the bus monitor who was bullied by NYC children on a bus?  If you haven’t you might want to check out the video below.  Warning:  it is vulgar and disgusting the way these kids treat here.  The plus is that it’s seeing national recognition, went viral, and now people are donating […]

Entertainment News People US & World

Sho Yano, Youngest M.D., 21 from University of Chicago

Sho Yano, the youngest M.D. in University of Chicago’s history, is set to graduate with his doctorate under the age of 21.  He’s barely old enough to grab a beer, but he was smart enough to grab his youngest M.D. honor from  Pritzker School of Medicine where he also achieved a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and […]

Entertainment Health News Opinion US & World

Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover : Picture Stirs Controversy

Is this Time Magazine cover the most shocking magazine cover yet?  Time Magazine’s May cover shows mom Jamie Lynne Grumet breast-feeding her 3-year-old son.  Should we call this the Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover? This image is creating a frenzy on the internet on two levels.  First, why is this on the cover of Time Magazine?! […]

Entertainment Opinion

New Lamborghini SUV Urus [Pictures Leaked]

If you’re not a true car enthusiast, you probably didn’t know that Lamborghini had an SUV coming up did you?  Me either!  Well, that’s not a surprise since Porsche came out with a beautiful SUV, the Cayenne and had great success with it.  Lamborghini on the other hand hasn’t had anything different like the Cayenne […]