Health Technology

Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Zegerid, Protonix: Increased Risk of Fractures.

Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Zegerid, Protonix: Increased risk of fractures. Do you use Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Zegerid, Protonix, Aciphex, Prilosec OTC, Zegerid OTC, or Prevacid 24HR These heartburn medications could increase the risk of hip, wrist, and spine fractures in high doses or with long-term use, according to the Food and Drug Administration. The so-called “proton […]

Health Technology

Minute Maid Enhanced Chilled Juices

Minute Maid Enhanced Chilled Juices. $1.59 per 12 ounce, single-serve bottle is what Minute Maid is suggesting for their three new Enhanced Chilled Juices and Juice Drinks.  This coming at a time when the whole bottled juice industry saw a decline of 2.7 percent in sales for the 52 weeks ending 3/21/2010. ($4,928,405,000) Each blend […]

Health Marketing

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Bodybuilding Nutrition

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Bodybuilding Nutrition.  Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant and, perhaps, a powerful nutrient-partitioning agent.  It can potentially make an enormous difference in terms of how much fat you gain versus how much muscle you gain. ALA changes the ratio of muscle to fat gained in favor of muscle and at […]


Chocolate Milk as an Exercise Recovery Beverage?

  As if you needed one more reason to enjoy chocolate milk. In a recent study published by the ISSN, the efficacy of chocolate milk  as a recovery beverage following a period of increased training duration was studied in intercollegiate soccer players. Subjects received either a high-carbohydrate recovery drink or chocolate milk after each day of […]

Marketing Health

Acai Berry, pomegranate juice, mangosteen-and the FDA

Acai Berry, pomegranate juice, mangosteen- and the FDA. Acai Berry, Pomegranate juice, Mangosteen juice, etc.  They all claim a deep luscious taste and healthy nutritional value. Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has set their sights on “functional” beverage producers.  Recently the FDA sent letters to 5 Ready to Drink (RTD) beverage companies citing ingredient and health claim […]

Health Sports Technology

Sustamine Increases Endurance

Sustamine Increases Endurance. One of the main reasons some individuals have a difficult time with intense exercise and activity is their body’s failure to properly process water which is necessary for proper hydration. According to a report published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition,  Sustamine L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine has the ability to enhance […]

Business Health

Naked Juice Smoothies and Coconut Water.

If you like your beverage Naked, then PepsiCo has you in mind. Naked Beverages and PepsiCo have increased their product line with the addition of two new smoothies, two new coconut-water smoothies, and a 100 percent pure coconut water. The two new vegetable-packed smoothies include Berry Veggie Machine and Orange Carrot.  The Berry Veggie Machine […]