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INQ Launching Twitter, Facebook Phones (video)

INQ Mobile has just announced they are releasing new phones designed to make it super easy and convenient to socialize on popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and to quickly and easily connect to others through instant messaging. Basically, a phone designed to allow you to quickly connect to others and use the major […]

Facebook Technology Twitter

The Marines Ban On Social Networking Is Only On Government Computers

I want to try to bring some balance and understanding to the latest news about the Marines banning social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. A recent blog post at Digits – The Wall Stree Journal’s technology blog – stated that: The Marine ban formalizes an existing block on social-networking sites on its government computers, […]

Mobile News Security Technology

Yahoo & Microsoft Deal Not Just About Search

There was a filing today (Tuesday) from Yahoo to the Security and Exchange Commission that gave us more insight into the details of the Yahoo – Microsoft merger. Around the end of page 4, however, we start to get a glimpse that the deal is not just about search: In addition, Yahoo! may at its […]

Facebook Sports Technology Twitter

What Apple and LeBron James Have In Common

Question: What does LeBron James and Apple have in common? Answer: they both made the mistake of thinking they can keep information “silent” in today’s information age! LeBron made this mistake when he thought that he could keep a video leaking of Xavier’s Jordan Crawford dunking on him at some basketball camp (see video below). […]

Business Technology Twitter

Should Businesses Use Sponsored Tweets For Advertising on Twitter?

I’m going to make this is as plain and simple as I can – businesses SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT use the new sponsored tweets system. The most successful businesses on the web are those that have established themselves with trust.  The way you do this is through consistently delivering great content, information, products, or services, and […]