News Technology

Google Plays Major Role in Microsoft / Yahoo Deal

If you ever want to question the relevance of Google in the world of search, then you need to look at the Microsoft – Yahoo deal. The agreement struck between Microsoft and Yahoo, and the lifespan of that deal, is solely determined by Google’s performance. An article at The Register states: The SEC update reveals that […]

Marketing Technology Twitter

On Twitter – Quality Matters, Not Quantity

Mashable has launched a valuable debate today – the issue of quality, not quantity, when it comes to Twitter followers. Let me just say that without question, the quality of your followers on Twitter – and whom you are following – matters so much more than quantity. The whole point of using Twitter as a […]


July 24, 1963 – Bill Clinton Video Shaking Hands With President John F. Kennedy

Have you seen this video yet?  What caught me by surprise more than anything is that it’s a video from 1963 that is being watched on YouTube – amazing!

Technology Twitter

Using Twitter To Educate Yourself About Your Industry, Markets, & Competitors

The more people use Twitter, the more uses people are discovering for the social media site. Certainly one use that cannot be overlooked, and should be used by any business, is the use of educating yourself! Educating yourself with Twitter can be extremely valuable for any business because: 1) You can gain insight into your […]

Facebook Marketing Technology Twitter

How Social Media Can Be Used As Permission Based Marketing

I see three forms of social media that can be used by businesses for permission based marketing. You must realize that intrusive marketing and spam is dead – in fact, it doesn’t nothing more than make people mad. Why???  Because they didn’t ask to receive your information. Permission based marketing opens up a whole new […]

Marketing Technology Twitter

How To Use Twitter To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Wanna drive highly targeted traffic to your website – and do it in a way where Google can’t punish you? If so, then you better start using Twitter! I believe Twitter is most relevant in its link sharing ability. There is really no greater platform, that I’ve ever seen, where links have been shared and […]

Facebook iPhone Mobile Technology Twitter

INQ Launching Twitter, Facebook Phones (video)

INQ Mobile has just announced they are releasing new phones designed to make it super easy and convenient to socialize on popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and to quickly and easily connect to others through instant messaging. Basically, a phone designed to allow you to quickly connect to others and use the major […]