Android Technology Twitter

Sprint Announced Android 2.1 For Hero & Moment via Twitter

Sprint (@spring) has confirmed in a Twitter update that the HTC Hero and the Samsung Moment running on its network would be updated to Android 2.1 – completely skipping the Android 2.0 operating system.

Android Mobile Technology

Sorry Microsoft, Windows Mobile Just Doesn’t Cut It…

Samsung To Drop Windows Mobile for Android This is what happens when you don’t innovate, listen to your customers, and keep up the lightning fast changes of technology – you start getting ignored. Windows Mobile 6.5 – the most recent iteration of Windows OS for mobile phones – has received less than stellar reviews from […]

Android Mobile Technology

*Picture* T-Mobile Android Phone From Samsung

We all have probably heard today about the new T-Mobile Android phone from Samsung.  However, I was getting frustrated because all the articles I found were just text – no pictures of the actual phone. Well… behold (no pun intended), I’ve found a great picture of the phone thanks to