News Technology

WordPress 2.8.5 Update, Exploited Files, & 2.9 Beta Testing

There are a lot of things happening with WordPress at the moment – which is always a good thing for those of us that love the WordPress platform. Just yesterday the newest version of WordPress was released – WordPress 2.8.5. If you haven’t already, it’s highly recommended that you upgrade to the latest version.  If […]


How To: Vertically Align Google Custom Search Engine in WordPress Navigation Bar

I finally got my Google custom search engine (see top right) to align vertically in the navigation bar of my WordPress blog! And now my life can move forward… When I first added the CSE, the alignment was pinning the search engine to the top of the nav bar – and it was absolutely driving […]

Facebook Technology

My #1 Frustration With Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome, & Safari Browsers

First, let me say I’m venting here – I hope that’s ok!  And I’m venting because of my frustration with Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome, and Safari web browsers (on computers, not mobiles, iPhones, etc…) Here’s my frustration – and it’s really isolated to 2 specific factors: 1) In Firefox 3.5 (and above), Chrome, and Safari, […]

Facebook iPhone Technology

UStream Live Video Through Your WordPress Blog

I had a question this morning from someone on our Facebook Fan Page regarding how to add UStream live video to your WordPress blog.  This was a great question and one I felt needed to quickly be posted so that you all can see exactly the best way to make this happen. As you may […]

Search Engine Optimization Technology

WordPress SEO Tips Part IV – Optimize Your URL’s

This is part of our continue WordPress SEO Tips Series.  You can follow along by visiting our WordPress SEO Tips category. WordPress SEO Tips Part IV – Optimize Your URL’s To get the most exposure in Google search results from your WordPress blog, each and every posting has to be optimized for keyword phrases.

Technology Twitter

How to: Calculate You Blog’s Retweets With Twitter Search

We all know that Twitter is a powerful viral marketing tool.  If enough people retweet the same message, then the potential exposure for that tweet could quickly reach hundreds of thousands of people. If you’re a blogger, one of the most effective ways for you to dramatically increase traffic to your blog is to tweet […]

Search Engine Optimization Technology

WordPress SEO Tips Part III – Be Keyword Concious

This is part of our continue WordPress SEO Tips Series.  You can follow along by visiting our WordPress SEO Tips category. WordPress SEO Tips Part III – Be Keyword Concious Some of the best advice that can be given to journalists, writers, bloggers, and businesses who want to get more traffic and exposure on the […]