
Bootstrapping Your Startup Business

I’ve mentioned before that we are launching a new site called that will, we believe, revolutionize the way local businesses reach local customers. However, we are learning very quickly that there are costs around nearly every corner of our startup effort. From simply making a drive to the next meeting, to marketing and pre-launch […]


AOL Acquires For $315 Million, Expands Content Portal

AOL continues to push forward with it’s new goals of turning the media giant around and becoming the number one content source on the web. Last night, AOL completed the acquisition of Huffington Post for $315 million, according to business insider. This acquisition by AOL adds to its growing list of other high profile blog […]


Verizon Breaks Record In First 2 Hours of iPhone Pre-Sale

The Verizon iPhone is immenent, and Verizon customers apparently cannot wait to get their hands on it February 10th – the official day of the Verizon iPhone launch. The Verizon iPhone started pre-selling at 3am EST on Thursday, and by 8pm EST (17 hours later), Verizon sold out of the limited supply stock. In fact, […]


Top 3 Stock Searches (And Why): NYSE:AET, NASDAQ:GTLS, NASDAQ:SVLF

For some reason, I find myself captivated as to what the most searched stocks are on Wall Street. And not only what the stocks are, but more importantly, why are they so heavily searched – what causes them to rise to the top so quickly amongst all the stocks on the NYSE and the NASDAQ. […]

Android Business

Google Apps for Verizon – Verizon’s New Enterprise Initiative

It’s interesting to me that Verizon is now offering what they call Google Apps for Verizon. This is basically a bundled package deal for Verizon small and medium size business customers to start leveraging Google Apps. Verizon will be charging enterprise clients $3.99 per month / per user for those who just want to use […]

Business Twitter

Twitter Expected To Generate $250 Million in Ad Revenue in 2012

Looks like Twitter is finally figuring out ways to make money from within their massive stream of tweets. Sponsored tweets, and sponsorship within trending topics, is expected to generate Twitter $150 million in 2011. In 2012, Twitter is expected to generate nearly $250 million in ad revenue, according to Bloomberg business. Currently there are 175 […]


Starbucks: Pay By Swiping Your iPhone (Video)

Starbucks has just updated all of their stores here in the U.S. with a new payment system that allows you to pay for your coffee by swiping your iPhone. Starbucks announced on Wednesday that all 6800 stores here in the U.S., and the 1,000 stores within Target, are set to allow customers to pay for […]