News US & World

Woman Gives Birth on Flight, Names Child after Flight Attendant

We’ve all thought about it at some point: what happens if a pregnant woman has to give birth on a plane? Well, a plane flying to Armenia experienced exactly that, when a woman on the flight gave birth and then named her newborn daughter after the flight attendant who helped with the delivery. The birth […]

News US & World

Siblings Reunited After 65 Years Apart

Thanks to a 7-year-old boy, a brother and sister was reunited after 65 years apart. As if straight out of a novel, siblings Betty Billadeau and Clifford Boyson were sent to separate foster homes when Betty was five and Clifford was three. Though the two spent years searching for each other, they could never find […]

News US & World

Ex-wife Drags Florida Man Behind Truck

An ex-wife dragged a Flordia man behind a truck for a half a mile before he escaped, reports the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. The ex-wife used a stun gun to incapacitate the man and then hog-tied him to her truck’s bumper. The man, named Robert Hall, 54, went into a surgical care unit on Thursday […]

News US & World

Seven Hurt After NYC Crane Collapse

A 200-foot crane collapsed in NYC, hurting seven people, three of them seriously injured. The crane toppled sometime around 2:30pm, in the New York City borough of Queens. It actually crashed into a two-story framework for a residential building, cutting through it “like a hot knife in butter,” as one witnessed later said. The crane […]

News US & World

NYC Commuter Ferry Crash Injures 30 to 50

Police and fire officials say 30 to 50 people were injured when a ferry from New Jersey struck a dock during rush hour in lower Manhattan.  By reports and pictures you can see a huge gash in the side of the ferry where it hit the dock.  The Seastreak Wall Street catamaran ferry banged into […]

Health News US & World

Fisher-Price Recalls Sleeper Due to Mold Risk

The Fisher-Price Newborn Rock ‘n Play Sleeper is being recalled due reports of mold. The reports claim the mold is growing in between the seat cushion and the frame of the infant seat. Fisher-Price told the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) that it heard from more than 600 consumers about the mold problem. In […]

News US & World

Lottery Winner Killed By Cyanide Poisoning

A Chicago lottery winner was killed by cyanide poisoning one day after his $425,000 winnings were issued. Urooj Khan, the lottery winner, purchased two scratch tickets in June from Ashur Oshana, a clerk at a 7-Eleven on Chicago’s North Side. According to Oshana, Khan said he was on hajj, a Muslim pilgrimage, and that he […]