Facebook iPhone Mobile Technology

The iPhone, Facebook Fan Pages, & Permission Based Marketing

There is an amazing development that is about to be unleashed on the mobile Internet world! The Facebook 3.0 iPhone App has been submitted to Apple for approval in the Apps store, and when it comes out officially, it is going to revolutionize the way businesses are able to perform “permission based marketing” while on […]

Facebook iPhone Technology Twitter

Facebook Fan Pages For iPhones Coming in Facebook 3.0 iPhone App

The Facebook 3.0 iPhone App has been submitted to Apple is awaiting approval! That approval could come at any minute, and believe me, when it does, you’ll know about it from here, and from throughout the tech blogosphere. There are great write ups about the fullness and power of Facebook 3.0 iPhone App here, here, […]

Facebook Technology

How To Use Facebook Fan Pages As A Website

Facebook Fan Pages are simply amazing!  Here’s how you can “sort of” use them as a website: But just when I thought Facebook Fans Pages were the best thing since sliced bread, I found the NBC Fan Page.

Facebook iPhone Technology

Our Churches iPhone / Facebook Fan Page Problem

So we launched an new Facebook Fan Page for our church. I’ve seen a lot of fan pages for churches across the web, but ours is unique, with a unique set of challenges. 1) We thought we wanted multiple key leaders in the church to all have admin access to the Facebook Fan Page.  Our […]

Facebook News Technology Twitter

Using Social Media To Win In Your Business!

Social media tools are really quite useless in and of themselves! I mean, there are a lot of people who built Facebook pages that have never returned once they were published. There is said to be approximately a 60% turnover of Twitter users. And a lot of people are even abandoning the thought of starting […]

Facebook News Technology Twitter

Facebook Search Rolling Out To All FB Users

Facebook has just announced they are rolling out Facebook site-wide search to all Facebook users.’ However, as their press release states, it may take a few days to roll out to all Facebook users: We’re rolling these changes out over the course of the next few days, so you may not see the new results […]