Health Technology

Brunch Recipes

Brunch Recipes OK…OK… I realize that most of these recipes result in foods that ARE NOT on a low carb diet.  But since Mother’s Day comes around only once a year (this will be your “splurge” day) some of these “Brunch” recipes might add a wonderful touch to your family get-together with Mom. Sure, “real […]

Business Health

Atkins Diet: New for a New You

Atkins Diet: New for a New You For some of us it might be a little late to try to shrink down into a new swim suit for the Summer season.  But swim suits and Summer are not the only “good” reasons for taking care of that excess flab from the Winter Dunlap disease (done-lap over the […]

Health News Technology

Romaine Lettuce Recall 2010, What’s With The Romaine Lettuce?

Romaine Lettuce Recall 2010, What’s With The Romaine  Lettuce? FRESHWAY FOODS has recalled its products that contain romaine lettuce. The products that have use-by date of May 12 have been recalled from 23 states. The products are said to contain harmful bacteria that can cause E.Coli 0145.


Lettuce Recall as E. Coli corrupts

This could turn you into this. No we cannot change into giant lettuce heads, but after an E. Coli outbreak we should watch what we eat. 19 people or more are currently ill which has sparked the FDA to hunt the source of the E. Coli outbreak and recall the loved vegetable.


I Get All I Need From My Food

If I get all I need from my food, why should I supplement my diet? Many people feel this way, and many health authorities tell us we don’t need supplements. As long as we are eating a good diet, we should be okay, right? But there are a few problems with this idea.

Business Health

Tot’s Tylenol Tainted!

Tylenol contaminated and recalled The Food and Drug Administration filed a report stating that certain ingredients used in the manufacturer of some 40 varieties of children’s cold medicines were contaminated with bacteria.  The report did state that none of the finished products tested positive for the contaminants.


FDA Approves RF Device for Chronic Asthma

Radio-frequency device approved by FDA. The Alair Bronchial Thermoplasty System is the first device that uses radio-frequency energy to treat lung inflammation in patients with severe chronic asthma to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.