
KFC to keep selling meaty Double Down

Thank you, America! Kentucky Fried Chicken is extending the offering of the Double Down Sandwich.  And of course, this will ruffle the feathers of some “health” cranks, who think that we Americans don’t know any better than to eat them. “Oh, poor me!  That mean ole advertising company is hypnotizing me into desiring those big […]


The Importance of Water to Health

  The Importance Of Water to Health   Water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on it. Human survival is dependent on water – water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for life. The water you drink literally becomes […]

Health Sports

Tart Cherry Juice Can Help Reduce Pain During Running

Tart Cherry Juice Can Help Reduce Pain During Running.    In a study published May 7, 2010, researchers reported that the juice from tart cherries can help alleviate muscle pain caused by exercise. Endurance sports such as long distance running causes notable muscle damage, which leads to inflammation and fatigue.  Most people involved in such […]

Sports Health

The Health Benefits of the Muscadine Grape

Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Agents Many of the phytonutrients present in the muscadine grape have been recognized as powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents – the most powerful of these concentrated in the skins and seeds. Antioxidants are important because they rid the body of free radicals that damage our cells. Free radicals are caused by exposure […]

Health News

Revolutionary Nutrition Research

Revolutionary Nutrition Research When it comes to nutrition, health, and supplementation, consumers are faced with so many choices. Touting “revolutionary” science, and promising extreme and amazing results, companies hoping to cash in on the wellness revolution pay celebrities, scientists, and physicians to endorse their products. Adding to the confusion of what to take and which […]

Health Sports Technology

Vitamin E Supplementation to Enhance Muscle Growth, Recovery, and Endurance

Vitamin E Supplementation to Enhance Muscle Growth, Recovery, and Endurance. Boosting your vitamin E intake lets your hard-trained body rebuild itself rapidly. Result? You get bigger, faster. Chances are you shunned vitamin E as a performance supplement soon after you noticed it in the cosmetics section displayed as a skin beautifier–a product more appropriate for […]

Health Sports

Glutathione Helps Promote Muscle Growth / Recovery and Whole Body Vitality.

Glutathione Helps Promote Muscle Growth / Recovery and Whole Body Vitality. Glutathione is a “non-essential” amino acid that is essential as a naturally occurring antioxidant.  One of the body’s main defensive mechaninsms, it takes care of toxins and repairs damage wherever it occurs. Glutathione, together with catalase and super-oxide dismutase, are the body’s main weapons […]