Mobile Technology

T-Mobile USA brings 4G like speeds to its Northeastern Markets

T-Mobile USA brings 4G like speeds to its Northeastern Markets In a press release from T-Mobile USA, the company announced that they would be rolling out HSPA+ network, which will allow for 4G like speeds. As of right now the HSPA+ network will be available in Upstate New York,Connnecticut & Providence, R.I. The HSPA+ network […]

Android Technology

HTC EVO 4G – Official List of Sprint 4G Coverage Areas (Cities)

Android Powered HTC EVO 4G – Here is the official list of the current, and future, list of Sprint 4G coverage areas ans cities. So have you visited your local Radio Shack or Best Buy yet to pre-order your HTC EVO 4G? The HTC EVO 4G is supposedly the hottest new mobile device to hit […]

iPhone Technology

Walmart Drops 16GB iPhone Price, iPhone 3GS Now Only $97

Walmart Drops 16GB iPhone Price, iPhone 3GS Now Only $97 In a move that some believe is another sign that Apple will be announcing their next generation iPhone next month, Walmart Stores has dropped the price of the iPhone 3GS in all stores to only $97. iPhone 3GS price of $97 is in effect at […]

iPhone Mobile Technology

iPHone 4G Release Date, Sprint To Sell iPhone 4G This Summer?

iPHone 4G Release Date, Sprint To Sell iPhone 4G This Summer? The rumor mill has been spinning on speculation over when, and what carrier, the iPhone 4G will be arriving at first. I wrote an article earlier today talking about the confusing language, and misguided expectations, that the term “iPhone 4G” presents. The question is […]

Business iPad iPhone

NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Shares Down in Pre-Market, Closed Up For Week

NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Shares Down in Pre-Market Apple shares (NASDAQ:AAPL) closed up last week +4.56 (1.92%) at 242.32. The week ending Friday was a bit of a tough week for Apple stock prices as they closed down for the week at -11.5 points or -4.53%: iPad Sales are booming, iPad international release date As the iPad […]

Android iPhone Mobile Technology

iPhone 4G Release Date, Is ‘iPhone 4G’ Misleading?

iPhone 4G Release Date, Is ‘iPhone 4G’ Misleading? Everyone is talking about the coming 4G revolution. A new, faster, more efficient mobile web browsing experience. There are quite a few videos on YouTube that show people testing the 4G mobile web browsing speed and from the looks of things, 4G will give you about a […]

Android iPhone Mobile Technology

iPhone, HTC EVO 4G – The 4G Problem That No One is Talking About

iPhone, HTC EVO 4G – The 4G Problem That No One is Talking About The iPhone 4G is expected to be announced on June 7th when Apple opens up the WWDC2010 conference in San Francisco. This has been the venue of choice for all previous iPhone announcements, so it’s hard to believe that the iPhone […]