iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Pre Order Frustrations Mount Toward AT&T & Apple

iPhone 4 Pre Order Frustrations Mount Toward AT&T & Apple The iPhone 4 pre order craze is currently sweeping the United States like a tsunami. People were standing by their computers last night at 12am (midnight), frantically hitting their F5 keys to be one of the first people to pre order the iPhone 4. Question […]

iPhone Technology

White iPhone 4 Fail – People Disappointed With No White iPhone 4

White iPhone 4 Fail – People Disappointed With No White iPhone 4 It all started yesterday when the rumors were hitting the web that Apple would not be offering the white iPhone 4 for pre order. This news about no white iPhone 4 did not make people very happy, and a lot of discussion about […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Ship Date Pushed Back to July 10th? (iPhone 4 Supply Shortage Rumor)

iPhone 4 Ship Date Pushed Back to July 10th? (iPhone 4 Supply Shortage Rumor) Someone made a comment on one of my iPhone 4 articles that they just left an AT&T store after pre ordering their iPhone 4 and they were told that Apple pushed the shipping date of the iPhone 4 back to July […]

iPhone Technology

Apple Store Down, AT&T Website Struggles (iPhone 4 Pre Order)

Apple Store Down, AT&T Website Struggles (iPhone 4 Pre Order) In case you didn’t know yet, the iPhone 4 was released today for pre order. The AT&T website has their links up around 4am this morning EST (I think), then the Apple store didn’t come online with their updated store until around 9am EST. Ever […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Pre Order in Black Only, No White iPhone 4

iPhone 4 Pre Order in Black Only, No White iPhone 4 There was a lot of buzz yesterday about the upcoming iPhone 4 pre order release. A lot of the buzz, especially late last night, was circulating around what time exactly we could expect the iPhone 4 to hit the AT&T and Apple online store […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4 Pre Order Now, iPhone 4 Release Date June 24th

iPhone 4 Pre Order Now, iPhone 4 Release Date June 24th It’s been a long night for some people as they’ve been waiting since 12am EST for the iPhone 4 pre order links to appear on the AT&T and Apple store websites. The iPhone 4 pre order links appeared on the AT&T website sooner than […]

iPhone Technology

Pre Order iPhone 4, AT&T Live – Apple Store Coming Soon (iPhone 4 Update)

Pre Order iPhone 4, AT&T Live – Apple Store Coming Soon (iPhone 4 Update) I know for a fact that some people having been watching the AT&T website since midnight for the iPhone 4 pre order links to appear. These people have just been sitting there hitting F5….. F5…. F5….  And the same if true […]