Health Technology

Teacher Fired For Racial Slur Against Barack Obama {VIDEO}

Question – what’s the fastest way for a teacher to get fired? Answer – use a racial slur against The President of the United States in front of students. I understand that the political debate is intense at the moment in Washington DC.  With issues such as health care reform and dealing with record high […]

Health Politics

Warren Buffet Calls Obama Health Plan “2000 Pages of Nonsense”

President Barack Obama has shown some of his true colors at the health care reform summit.  His impatience, lack of mutual understanding, and outright anger at opposition is slowly painting a much different picture than what the nation experienced during his Presidential run. At the heart of the tension is the question of “how do […]

Technology Twitter

The White House Uses Twitter To Promote Anti-Terror Strategy

From his brand new Twitter profile, Robert Gibbs, The White Press Secretary, has launched his second Twitter update today.  And from his Twitter update, he said that he was settling in to watch the Sunday talk shows, and also encouraged people to follow a particular link to an article of interest. This is what Robert […]


President Obama’s Weekly Address: Mentions Google & Small Business Focus

One of the new YouTube channels that I find myself visiting more often is the White House YouTube Channel.  And this is where I found President Obama’s Weekly Address that he delivered yesterday.  In the address, the President talks about how small businesses are the key to America’s job growth.  He even mentioned Google as […]

News Technology

Barack Obama’s $3.8 Trillion Dollar Budget Get’s Blasted

About one week after President Barack Obama made his case of lower deficits to the American people during his State of the Union Address, he presented a $3.8 trillion dollar budget to congress.  And there is really only one word to describe the reception that his budget received, especially amongst Republicans – “BLASTED!”


President Obama’s YouTube Interview {VIDEO}

Yesterday, President Barack Obama held the first ever question and answer session via YouTube by an American President.  Over 55,000 questions were submitted, and voters voted up questions (and down questions) so that the most popular questions were the ones that made it to the interview. Watch the full 35 minute interview below:


Ask President Obama a Question on YouTube

President Barack Obama has created a custom channel on YouTube where you can watch the full State of the Union Address.  Even better, you can submit questions directly to him (President Obama) and he will be answering in a live YouTube interview at the White House next week.  The preference for submitting question is by […]