iPhone Technology Videos

WordPress for Blackberry 1.0 Coming Soon

Blackberry WordPress App WordPress is moving closer to a WordPress for Blackberry 1.0 App. Recently I wrote about WordPress 2 – the WP iPhone App.  Which is a great app that allows you to create new content from your iPhone, including media such as videos and photos. Now, I’m excited to see the development moving […]

Facebook Search Engine Optimization Technology

Facebook Fan Page Tip – Maximize Your 420 Character Space Limit

Facebook Fan Page Tip We all know that Twitter allows a maximum of 140 characters.  But did you know that the Facebook Fan Page wall box also has a maximum character space? The maximum character space for a Facebook Fan Page wall box (or wall posting) is 420 characters! Let me show what that looks […]

Health Search Engine Optimization Technology

WordPress SEO Tips Part VII – Link Out And Touch Someone

WordPress SEO Tips Part VII This is part of our continue WordPress SEO Tips Series.  You can follow along by visiting our WordPress SEO Tips category to see all of the previous articles. WordPress SEO Tips Part VII – Link Out And Touch Someone So much focus in the SEO community is focused on acquiring inbound links. […]

Search Engine Optimization Technology Twitter

WordPress SEO Tips Part VI – Proper Permalink Structure

WordPress SEO Tips Part VI This is part of our continue WordPress SEO Tips Series.  You can follow along by visiting our WordPress SEO Tips category to see all of the previous articles. WordPress SEO Tips Part VI – Proper Permalink Structure Matt Cutts, a Google Engineer, has been quoted as saying that WordPress takes […]

iPhone Technology

WordPress 2 iPhone App Now Available in iTunes

There’s An App For That The iPhone is many things to many people.  After all, “there’s an app for that” has become the standard response for almost everything! For those of us that love WordPress, and who also love their iPhone, then I’m happy to say that yes, there’s an app for that too! Introducing […]

iPhone Technology

WordPress 2 iPhone App

Here my first post from the new WordPress 2 iPhone app. Creating this post is very easy, but much slower in process compared to working in the computer. Overall though, this is a great app. Below us a pic I took using my iPhone for this post. Again. The image and post were done using […]

Search Engine Optimization Technology

WordPress SEO Tips Part V – Use Keyword Rich Categories & Tags

WordPress SEO Tips Part V This is part of our continue WordPress SEO Tips Series.  You can follow along by visiting our WordPress SEO Tips category to see all of the previous articles. WordPress SEO Tips Part V – Use Keyword Rich Categories & Tags Creating keyword rich categories and tags is one of the […]