Android Mobile Technology

HTC EVO 4G Release Date, Pricing & Data Plan

HTC EVO 4G Release Date, Pricing & Data Plan We finally have a solid release date from Spring on the upcoming, and one and only 4G wireless data phone, the HTV EVO 4G. The release date for the HTV EVO 4G is June 4th, 2010. HTC EVO 4G release date is June 4th, 2010 Sprint […]

Android Technology

Sprint Evo 4G can do video chat

Sprint Evo 4G can do video chat Here’s something that everyone might want to know when buying the HTC Evo 4G from Sprint. You are capable of video chatting on the handset using an application called Qik.  You will be able to stream video using the 8mp rear camera or using the 1.3 MP front facing camera. The […]

Android Mobile Technology

LG Ally get’s announced for Verizon

LG Ally get’s announced for Verizon Well the guys over at the phonescoop website have had a chance to go hands on with the LG Ally during a press event.  The LG Ally will have a 3.2 megapixel camera,600MHz processor,GPS,Wi-Fi,Bluetooth & pre-installed 4GB microSD card.

Android iPhone Technology

Verizon iPhone 4G Release Date, End Of Summer?

Verizon iPhone 4G Release Date, End Of Summer? Breaking news and rumors, that’s what the web is all about! Well today a very juicy bit of information has found its way onto the web and it has to do with Apple, the iPhone, Verizon, and AT&T.

iPhone Technology

Verizon iPhone 4G Release Date, Beyond 2010

Verizon iPhone 4G Release Date, Post 2010 One thing is for sure regarding the iPhone, Verizon, and an iPhone 4G release date – none of the above will include Verizon in any announcements this year (2010). Because Apple extended their iPhone exclusive contract with AT&T by 6 months, and considering the fact that the exclusive […]

Android iPhone Technology

Apple iPhone 4G – Is It Already Late To The 4G Party?

Apple iPhone 4G – Is It Already Late To The 4G Party? A couple of questions:  Is the iPhone 4G already late to the next evolution in mobile phone and data speed which is 4G? And if they are already late to the 4G party, are they going to have a difficult time gaining substantial […]

iPad iPhone Technology

NASDAQ:AAPL: Verizon iPhone 4G Coming First Quarter 2011

NASDAQ:AAPL: Verizon iPhone 4G Coming First Quarter 2011 You’ve gotta tip your hat to AT&T for doing what it needed to do to keep the Apple exclusive clause in place and allowing AT&T to remain the exclusive carrier of the iPhone – at least for 6 more months. The extension of the iPhone exclusive clause […]