I’m just wondering why Google isn’t in the market to build a tablet notebook PC? With all the hype of over Apple’s Tablet, and other tablet pc’s, this is something that would seem like a perfect product for Google to launch. The main benefit, from what I understand, of a tablet notebook is the simple […]
Tag: Apple
There’s a replica iPhone in China called the 200 Fashion Mobile Phone, model number PG220. You can actually go here and here and buy one. Even though this phone is an immitation of the real iPhone, it’s cost of only $99 will make it very appealing in China where the iPhone is expected to sell […]
If you visit the Apple Store right now, you’ll see that the Mac OX X 10.6 Snow Leopard is available for purchase. You’ll also notice that the ship date is August 28th. This means they are taking pre-orders for the new Snow Leopard OS X. As Apple puts it: Upgrade from Mac OS X Leopard with Snow […]
The New York Times has a story out today that shows Google Finance is getting left in the dust” by Yahoo Finance! Google might be the dominant force when it comes to search, but when it comes to financial news and information, Yahoo is king. Check the two sites out and you’ll see the differences […]
Did you know that Apple will officially let you unlock your iPhone? This is something that very few iPhone users were probably aware of, and something that AT&T certainly doesn’t want you to know. But it’s true, you can offiicially unlock your iPhone right in iTunes! I got this image from TheAppleBlog:
A couple of great pieces of news sent Apple (AAPL) up 2.69% today to close at 163.89 on the NASDAQ. Apple is expected to sell2.7 to 2.8 million Macs and 9.5 to 10.5 million iPods in its fourth fiscal quarter Apple expected to sell 50 million iPhones in 2011 Apple customer satisfaction dips 1% but […]
Are you sitting around the house wondering what to do? The new iPhone App Center’d could be your answer! Center’d is a service designed to help you figure out what to do with your day, and helps you plan for events and outings. Pick up your free Center’d app here. TechCrunch had a great write […]