Facebook Technology

Eric Schmidt Says “Google Me” Does Not Compete Against Facebook

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been quoted as saying that Google Me will be launching this fall. Google Me is a social layer that will be integrated into existing Google products and will allow you to share and connect to friends while using Google products. No sooner was Google Me announced and the accusations started […]


Google TV Release Date, Fall 2010 (and it’s free)

The way you experience the internet is about to change with the arrival of Google TV. Google TV is scheduled to be released by this Fall (2010), according to Eric Schmidt, Google CEO. Sony is already signed on as a partner to work with Google TV, and Samsung is now considering working with Google to […]

Android Mobile Technology

Why Google Is Smart To Close The Nexus One Online Store

Why Google Is Smart To Close The Nexus One Online Store Last week Google announced they will be shutting down the Nexus One online store – the location where Google took orders for their new Nexus One mobile phone. When exactly the online store will come down I’m not sure, (maybe someone out there has […]

Business News

Why Did Google Just Re-Announce Acquiring DoubleClick?

Why Did Google Just Re-Announce Acquiring DoubleClick? Well that was weird – Google’s DoubleClick Publisher blog just put out a blog post that reads: I am pleased to share the news that Google has acquired DoubleClick. Please go here to read Eric Schmidt’s blog post. But there is an article from March 11, 2008 – […]

Unvarnished – A People Rating Website

Unvarnished People Rating Website The Unvarnished website is about to hit the scene and it’s only going to do one thing – contribute to the garbage that makes up the Internet. Or as Google CEO Eric Schmidt once put it – the “cess pool” of the web!

News Technology

Google 99.9% Sure To Exit China Market

Google Hits Impasse in China The efforts to find common ground in China over Google censoring their search results seems to be coming to an abrupt end.  China is simply unwilling to allow Google to display search results that are not censored. This decision by China is about to cost the country the use of Google […]


Eric Schmidt Presents Google’s Vision of the Mobile Web {VIDEO}

The future of the web is the mobile phone.  One of the company’s that are facilitating this movement is Google.  Of course, the other company at the forefront of the mobile web is Apple.  Both company’s are leading innovators of the mobile web, but Google’s Nexus One currently has one major advantage over the iPhone, […]