Health Politics

Dennis Kucinich Reluctantly Will Vote for Obama Care

Dennis Kucinich Reluctantly To Vote For Obama Care Can we not have leaders in our government who are willing to take a stand for what they truly believe in? Is it acceptable to have representatives in our government who break and give in to pressure from others?

News Politics

15 Yr Old Boy Nearly Killed For Pointing Water Gun At President Obama’s Car

There was a near miss incident where a 15 year old boy was about to be killed by the Secret Service.  Apparently the presidential motorcade with Barack Obama was traveling down the road when on the side of the road, a 15 year old boy was pointing a gun at the President’s vehicle.


The Government Will Now Pay You To Sell Your Home

By David Streitfeld:  The New York Times In an effort to end the foreclosure crisis, the Obama administration has been trying to keep defaulting owners in their homes. Now it will take a new approach: paying some of them to leave. This latest program, which will allow owners to sell for less than they owe […]

Health YouTube

President Obama’s Closing Statement At Health Care Summit {VIDEO}

President Barack Obama’s closing statements at the Health Care Summit: In his closing statements, President Obama made a plea to republicans to come to the table with resolutions, ideas, and ultimately solutions as to how the government produce effective health care reform.

Health Technology

Teacher Fired For Racial Slur Against Barack Obama {VIDEO}

Question – what’s the fastest way for a teacher to get fired? Answer – use a racial slur against The President of the United States in front of students. I understand that the political debate is intense at the moment in Washington DC.  With issues such as health care reform and dealing with record high […]

Health Politics

Warren Buffet Calls Obama Health Plan “2000 Pages of Nonsense”

President Barack Obama has shown some of his true colors at the health care reform summit.  His impatience, lack of mutual understanding, and outright anger at opposition is slowly painting a much different picture than what the nation experienced during his Presidential run. At the heart of the tension is the question of “how do […]

Technology Twitter

White House Press Secretary Gibbs, “Twitter Is Fascinating!”

It’s only been 3 days since The White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs launched his Twitter profile (@PressSec), and already he has 21,000 Twitter followers and growing.  On Tuesday, Mr. Gibbs pronounced that “Twitter is fascinating” as it allows him to eavesdrop in real time on the press corps and the public’s reactions to President Obama’s […]