Technology Twitter

New XBOX 360 Slim, XBOX 360 Slim Release Date, Pricing (Video)

Earlier today there were leaked photos of what was being called the new XBOX 360 Slim. The leaked images apparently originated from an Italian website called ConsuleTribe, and the rumor kept spreading from there. Then later today, Engadget pursued the story about the new XBOX 360 Slim and posted the inside scoop on Microsoft’s new […]

Mobile Technology Twitter

T-Mobile’s HSPA+ network versus Sprints 4G network

After the launch of the HTC Evo 4G for Sprint the guys at decided to test out Sprints 4G network against T-Mobiles HSPA+ network. The test were done in Philadelphia were both T-Mobile HSPA+ network & Sprints 4G network were available. Below is a chart showing the upload speeds, download speeds & latency of […]

iPhone Technology

WWDC 2010 Start Time – What Time WWDC 2010 Starts (Worldwide)

WWDC 2010 Start Time – What Time WWDC 201 Starts (Worldwide) One of the most predominant questions about today’s WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) that Apple is hosting is not about whether or not there will be an iPhone 4G announcement, but actually it’s been what time does WWDC start? Or put another way, what is […]

Android iPhone Technology

iPhone 4G Release Date – What Will Steve Jobs Say Today at WWDC2010?

iPhone 4G Release Date – What Will Steve Jobs Say Today at WWDC2010? Apple’s annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) launches today with Steve Jobs opening with a keynote speech. What can we expect to hear about the next generation iPhone (iPhone 4G). Today is the day the tech world has been waiting for with the […]

iPhone Mobile Technology

iPhone 4G Rumors, New iPhone 4G Photos Leaked (Images)

iPhone 4G Rumors, New iPhone 4G Photos Leaked (Images) Apple is becoming synonymous with BP’s leaking oil pipe – they are apparently having a hard time containing their new iPhone 4G. The folks over at Powerbook Medic have just released images of what they claim are the parts for the new Apple iPhone 4G. See images of […]

iPhone Technology

iPhone 4G Update – No Verizon iPhone 4G In The Near Future

iPhone 4G Update – No Verizon iPhone 4G In The Near Future Tomorrow is the big day for Steve Jobs, Apple, and the future iPhone 4G – otherwise known as the 4th generation iPhone. Steve Jobs is scheduled to open the WWDC2010 tomorrow with a keynote address, and it is highly anticipated that there will […]

Android Mobile Technology

HTC EVO 4G Speed – Has Anyone Hit 10Mbps?

HTC EVO 4G Speed – Has Anyone Hit 10Mbps? I’ve heard it said that Sprint’s 4G WiMax network is capable of hitting speeds up to 10Mbps (10 megs) of download speed on a mobile device such as the HTC EVO 4G. That is a pretty aggressive number if you ask me, especially since the Charter […]