Check this out – remember the NFC Championship last year pitting the Chicago Bears again the Green Bay Packers playing in Soldiers Field? I know, I know… we all know how it turned out. But just in case you were a Bear’s fan and you still harbor some bitterness from the outcome, you may be […]
Category: Entertainment
My parents have always been technology savvy: my dad had a computer in the the early 80’s and my parents (dad and step mom) met on the internet in the 90’s before it was considered socially acceptable. In fact, my dad has had a twitter account for a couple years and I have yet to […]
I’m always interested in digging through the top seller’s list of apps – both iPhone & iPad and Android apps. You always here rumors about what apps are currently the hottest selling and what ones are dying. But a quick trip to either iTunes or Amazon’s App Store, and then to the bestseller lists, you’ll […]
And here we go… the NFL lockout is finally over, and with that launches the good ol’ off season Brett Favre gossip. Except this time, there isn’t even a hint of retirement in the conversation. It’s more a conversation that seems to have relinqueshed any thoughts of Brett Favre being starter, and has Favre accepting […]
Technorati, as I’m sure you know, organizes and ranks the entire blogosphere. This way, it’s easy for you to see exactly who are the most authoritative blogs on the web, and also who are the worse. I always like looking at Technorati and seeing what are the top movers ( calls them “Risers”). These are […]
Sometimes the articles here at SMSEO that get a log of traffic make me laugh. Articles and topics that I never thought would gain too much traffic could end up gaining massive popularity with literally thousands of visitors a week visiting them. Articles ranging from Justin Bieber to Apple’s iPhone 5 gain massive momentum sometimes, […]
I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight! I find myself frantically scurrying through YouTube in search of videos showing iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads exploding. It’s interesting what I’m coming up with here, so let’s dive right in to this weird phase of mine. Here’s an iPod Touch that suddenly explodes with steam & […]