iPhone Mobile Sports Technology

Microsoft Employees Are Loyal iPhone Users

According to a Wall Street Journal report, some Microsoft employees are secretly loyal iPhone users.  But the executives at Microsoft, including Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO – don’t seem to struggle with this loyalty issue; they are all using a Mobile 7 OS powered phones. Here’s what happened to one Microsoft employee who took a picture […]

Android iPhone Technology

Internet Speed Testing App for iPhone & Android

iPhone and Android Internet Speed Testing App Not only is the FCC providing us with a great tool for testing our home and business broadband Internet speed, but they’ve also released an application that allows you to test the broadband speed you are getting on your iPhone (opens iTunes) and Android devices.

Business Facebook iPhone Mobile Technology

What Happens When The Magic Jack iPhone App Arrives?

The Magic Jack as really hit the marketplace by storm with overwhelming acceptance and positive customer feedback.  For the price of $39.95 for the first year, and then $19.95 each year after, people are making calls throughout the US, and the world, without paying any additional fees.  The power of the Magic Jack is the […]

iPhone Technology

China Unicom Set To Bring Wifi To iPhone

Until now, if you purchased an iPhone in China you did so without having access to Wifi.  That means, no Internet!  China actually refused, up until now, to have any Wifi enabled devices in the country unless they were running on the official government Wifi network called WAPI (Wired Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure).

iPad iPhone Technology

Where’s The Hard Core Apple Laptop?

Apple Hard Core I have always admired Panasonic’s ToughBook series of laptops and wondered why Apple has not entered this market. With the Apple computer brand gaining market share into the business world, why have they not entered it with a laptop that can withstand some rugged abuse?

Facebook iPhone Technology

Scratching My Head Over Farmville

I have many friends on Facebook that have apps that post their status of things like Bejeweled Blitz or Farmville. I am struggling with this. I need help understanding why these type apps are being used to spend people’s time. I try to have an open mind about things and have never played any game […]

iPad iPhone Technology

I’ll Buy The iPad When it Has Wifi & 3G

I have been an avid Apple fan for the last two years (thanks Windows Vista) and have purchased just about every Apple product since then. I have lately felt as though Apple has a strategic plan to create products that entice us to buy but not satisfy.